How to Get Around the Cottage Food Laws? {Complete Guide}

How to Get Around the Cottage Food Laws?  {Complete Guide}

Summer foods are homemade foods sold in food stores etc. These food products are prepared at home. So this is a type of business. However, if you are thinking of starting a cottage food business then you must be aware of the laws. Here we will discuss how to get around cottage food laws. Because in some regions, summer food laws are very complicated.

Therefore, it is very important to understand the laws before diving into this business. This will save you time and money in the future. You will also be aware of all legal requirements related to your business.

How Can I Get Around Cottage Food Laws Without a Lawyer?

It is very expensive to hire an elder law attorney for your business these days. But if you hire a lawyer, then he will handle all the paperwork for you. However, if you do not want to add this expense to your business then you need to understand these laws yourself. We’re here to help you with summer food laws. And here we will explain the points of the cafeteria law one by one.

Food stall laws are to ensure that you prepare food with proper hygiene and that the food does not affect the health of any consumers. Therefore, based on consumer safety, these laws are decided by the government.

1. Law on Dangerous Foods

Hazardous foods are foods that require proper care. If you do not provide certain storage conditions, the food will be damaged. If the raw material is damaged, you cannot use it to prepare food. Foods that fall into this category include:

  • Raw meat
  • Dairy products
  • sea ​​products
  • Processed foods like chopped vegetables and all
  • Foods containing eggs
  • And cooked rice, boiled pasta and all

You need to show proof of the equipment you use to store these products, only then can you start preparing meals from these raw materials.

2. No Pet Law

If you want to start a summer food business, you shouldn’t have a pet. There is no pet law in the cottage law. And this law is the same in every state. Because there is a high probability that the pet will contaminate the food. Therefore, no pet law is too important for the safety of the consumer and the business owner must comply.

3. Food Safety Course

If you want to start your food kiosk business, you should take a course on food safety. After completing your course you will receive a certificate and this certificate must be submitted to start your business. This will let you know how you can preserve different types of food at home. This lesson is not more than 2 hours.

4. Complete the Audit Process

When you apply, a food inspector will be assigned to you and will come and inspect your kitchen. Make sure everything in your kitchen is clean and tidy. Your kitchen should be equipped with every tool and machine needed to keep food safe. After completing your food inspection, your summer food license will be given to you. Find all the details on how to get around summer food laws here.

Foods That Don’t Fall Under Cottage Food Laws

There are a few food items that do not fall under the cottage food law. So you can sell these items without any license.

These foods include:-

You must store the coffee in a cool and dry place for use. Otherwise it will stick. But the food shack law doesn’t require any laws on how to store your coffee. Other beverage preparations should be followed according to the summer food code.


Here we explained how to bypass summer food laws. Only after you learn these laws can you follow them. And we explained these laws in detail. Remember that every state’s policy is different. For this reason, food booth laws in other states may see some changes. These are all general laws for cottage food businesses.

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